
Amazing Facts About Science and Technology

Amazing Facts About Science and Technology

Amazing Fact About Science and Technology

The technology that powers our world changes at an incredible pace. Twenty years ago, who would’ve thought that a cell phone would be more powerful than a computer? Or that you could have a video conference with people on the other side of the world? It’s amazing how fast things develop!

Here are some science & technology facts that you’ll find interesting. Just think how much more we can accomplish in the next 10 years!

Amazing Facts About Science and Technology Part 1

1. In 2019, scientists found the bones of a giant penguin. This penguin was sized like a human. It is believed to have lived 60 million years ago.

2. One onion cell has enough pressure to make a steam engine explode.

3. In 2019, scientists discovered a diamond growing inside of another diamond.

4. If you break an egg underwater, it will resemble a beautiful jellyfish with tentacles.

5. In only 40 years, the world’s oceans will have more plastic in them than fish.

6. It’s true that when you move your eyes, your eardrums move in the same way.

7. Feet have the most sweat glands of any other part of the body, generating upto 1/4 gallon of sweat every 24 hours.

8. Komodo dragons, like all other members of Varanus, are covered with scales. However, they also have an additional layer of bones called osteoderms.

9. The fatality rate for rabies is almost 100%.

10. Some studies have shown that people with higher levels of intelligence have more zinc and copper in their hair.

11. It takes 43 muscles to frown while only 17 are required to produce a smile. So, let’s all stop doing that and start smiling!

12. If you took the world’s currency and broke it down into physical and digital, 92% of the currency in the world is in an electronic format.

13. The common cold is not caused by the weather — in fact, it thrives in cooler temperatures. Also, people spend more time indoors in cold weather and therefore are in closer contact with sick people.

14. Pluto was discovered in 1930, but it has not yet completed its orbit around the Sun. A Plutonian year is 247.68 times longer than one on Earth.

15. A study found that handwriting that is hard to read is more convincing. Readers of the hard-to-read letter have to take their time and carefully consider the argument.

16. Thanks to instantaneous mobile notifications, nine out of 10 text messages are read within three minutes of being sent. More than 90 percent of texts are ever opened.

17. If you drop a ball as you spin it, it will fly. This happens because of the Magnus effect.

18. If you trip, fall, or misspeak, your supporters are likely to think even more highly of you. This psychological phenomenon is known as the Pratfall Effect.

19. According to the Leidenfrost effect, water can boil and freeze at the same time when sufficient amounts of pressure surround it.

20. Mars is somewhat reddish in appearance because it’s covered in rust.

21. According to NASA, there are over 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone.

22. Botulinum toxin is the most potent poison in the world. It could kill a human within hours if 1g of it were consumed. But people willingly use it in the form of Botox injections to freeze muscles on their face.

23. UK breast cancer patients have a survival rate of 86%.

24. It’s redundant to put dots in Gmail addresses. For example, if your email address is johndoe@gmail. com, someone could email [email protected] and it would still reach you.

25. A mouse can be heard 50 feet away from an owl.

26. In 1936, the USSR constructed an analog computer powered by water that was capable of solving partial differential equations.

27. Scientists believe that, 700 million years ago, it is possible that Venus may have had the right conditions to support life.

28. Did you know that lasers can get trapped in a waterfall? It happens when the light gets reflected inside the droplets, rather than getting transmitted through.

29. Humans remember an average of 5,000 faces.

30. A new beetle species that was discovered by scientists in 2019. It was named Nelloptodes gretae, after 15-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. Not only does the beetle have antenna that look like braided hair, and are among the most popular style of hair worn by the young activist, but the scientists who named it also do appreciate her activist work.

Amazing Facts About Science and Technology Part 2

31. A candle’s flame is blue and round in space. This is because fire behaves differently in a zero gravity environment.

32. Squeezing lemon juice on apples or bananas prevents their oxidation.

33. Cardiovascular disease is responsible for one in three deaths globally.

34. Some experts report that the average mobile phone has 20 to 30 times more bacteria than a toilet bowl.

35. Multiple atomic and hydrogen bombs have been exploded in space by the United States. One of the more popular ones was 250 miles above the Pacific Ocean in 1962. There is some great footage online if you search for it.

36. In 2019, an interesting discovery was made. Greater Adria, a massive continent hidden in the Mediterranean region, was found by researchers at Utrecht University.

37. In 1979, a personal computer called Simon became the first PC actually fun and easy to use. Simon had a huge 32 character display with 4K of RAM it had a 5 MHz CPU.

38. Pluto isn’t just cold, it’s got mountains of ice in it too. There is a huge amount of ice on Pluto.

39. Time has no meaning near black holes. In fact, inside of them, it completely ceases to exist.

40. A magnet will repel water. Try it.

41. Certain types of beer are good for your health because they contain microorganisms and probiotics, just like food products like sauerkraut, yoghurt, and kimchi.

42. In the USA, of patients treated for cancer, over two thirds are cured.

43. There are more than one million earthworms in an acre of land.

44. In 2019, less than half of all email messages are spam. This is down from more than two-thirds of messages in 2012.

45. Scientists have genetically engineered chickens to have dinosaur snouts.

46. In 1956, a 5-MB hard drive would cost $1.2 billion and weigh more than half a ton — making it larger than most refrigerators.

47. A photon can take as long as 40,000 years to journey from the core of the sun to its surface, but it takes only 8 minutes for a photon to get all the way to earth.

48. Did your Gatorade go bad? This ingenious recipe uses two cups of the drink as a nontoxic, odorless toilet cleaner. Simply pour it into the commode and leave for an hour; then brush away.

49. In 2019, Google employee Emma Haruka Iwao set the record for calculating Pi to 31 trillion digits. The calculation took place on Google’s cloud computing service.

50. The Dvorak keyboard is faster than the QWERTY keyboard, once you complete training. According to the study, the Dvorak keyboard is 74% faster than the QWERTY one.

51. It is not possible to kill yourself by holding your breath.

52. After getting water in your ears, shaking your head may cause brain damage.

53. A study revealed that when looking at a photo of a loved one reduces pain by approximately 40%.

54. Dark-spotted giraffes are more dominant than their light-spotted counterparts.

55. 10 million tonnes is the mass of an average iceberg.

56. Just as no two fingerprints are the same, everyone has a unique tongue print.

57. Every person is 99.9% similar genetically to every other person on the planet. Using the most advanced technology, scientists have recently discovered that our closest living relatives — chimpanzees — are 99.8% similar to us.

58. Stayin’ Alive — the Bee Gees song — is used to train medical professionals to perform CPR. The Bee Gees song Stayin’ Alive helps medical professionals recognize the correct number of chest compressions per minute while performing CPR.

59. According to the United States Geological Survey, there is about $771 trillion worth of gold in the world’s oceans. However, at a molecular level, this amount is virtually non-existent. The gold in our oceans is dispersed into tiny particles.

60. When we read, our eyes work hard. In just one hour of reading, we make nearly 10,000 eye movements.


Read more Facts and Knowledge

Written by Wicky

My name is Angel Wicky, I'm from Bangalore (India). I am a teacher & I love teaching. Teaching is the best job in the world. Education is the basic and essential part of any human being and teachers are the base of any education system. I'm really happy to be a part of it.

You can reach me via e-mail [email protected]


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