
Amazing Facts About Earth – All About Earth

Amazing Facts About Earth – All About Earth

Amazing Facts About Earth - All About Earth

Earth is the third planet from the sun

Earth, the third planet from the sun and the only world known to support an atmosphere with oxygen, is home to some of our planet’s most amazing and awe-inspiring natural features. Located within a star system called The Sun (called Sol in another solar system) that is one of a few hundred billion stars in our galaxy, Earth orbits at an estimated 700,000 miles per hour.

With more than 200 countries on its surface and 7.6 billion people inhabiting it, Earth is both unique as well as diverse when it comes to culture, population density and geological make-up.

Earth is tilted

Earth is tilted 23.4 degrees on it’s ‘axis’, according to data at the United States Geological Survey. Here are ten facts about this relatively cool piece of information:
-The Earth’s axis extends through its center from pole to pole. At one end of the Earth, an imaginary line goes straight through the North Pole and out at 3-degrees south latitude, going off into space in that direction.
-Earth is tilted 23.4 degrees from perpendicular to a plane perpendicular to its axis (the plane of the ecliptic).
-The equator is a circle around the Earth that is perpendicular to the axis.
-The North Pole is 90 degrees from the equator, and at that latitude in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer.
-Because of Earth’s tilt, most of the planet’s area experiences seasons.
-Tilt explains why each hemisphere has a shorter day during Winter and longer day during Summer. The axis points toward the Sun in a 23.4 degree arc around June 21, when it reaches its maximum (Summer Solstice), until December 21, which is Winter Solstice and when it points away from the sun in a 23.4 degree arc.
-Tilt affects weather and climate slightly because it causes the sun to hit different parts of each hemisphere during the year. The Northern Hemisphere has more land than the Southern Hemisphere and is tilted toward the sun in June, so it gets hotter.
-At 23.4 degrees tilt, Earth’s orbital plane is 5 degrees from perpendicular to its axis (the ecliptic).
-The ecliptic plane is a circle around the Sun that holds all of Earth’s planets except Pluto (which never gets closer than 4 degrees from perpendicular to it).
-Earth completes one full revolution around its axis every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds, or 366.26 days annually.

Earth is not really a sphere, but more like a squished ball

Earth is not really a sphere, but more like a squished ball. This is because the earth actually has two layers and it has gravity right at the core of the Earth which pull on everything in this layer. This makes things fall towards the center and make it look like Earth is a sphere. The shape of Earth depends on how thick each layer is which can vary depending on different factors such as latitude, elevation, or depth. The crust is the outer layer and goes from the surface of Earth to about 60 miles down. In this layer weather, soil, and ocean are present. The mantle is what covers the whole Earth and goes from 60 miles down to about another 1,800 miles down. The mantle is also known as the asthenosphere which is where plate tectonics happen. The outer core is what makes up about 1/3 of the layer that’s closest to Earth’s center and right at the center it has a solid iron core which makes up for about 1/3 of Earth’s volume. The core is super hot and moves in strange liquid ways. The outer core is made of molten iron and nickel.

The Earth’s core is five times hotter than the sun’s surface and Earth Is Radioactive

Do you know the Earth’s core is five times hotter than the sun’s surface and found at the center of our planet, but scientists are still curious about what exactly goes on deep down there. As it turns out, a lot more than we thought.

New research suggests that the Earth’s liquid outer core is much hotter than previously believed–ranging from 4,400 degrees Fahrenheit to 7,200 degrees Fahrenheit (2,700 to 4500 Kelvin)–due to heat released by radioactivity in rocks known as “ultraheavy elements” like gold and plutonium.

This article will go through what we know about the earth’s interior and how it fits with these new revelations.

The next time someone wants to try and tell you the Earth is only X years old, show them this. They obviously don’t know what they’re talking about if they think we’ve only recently discovered a super-hot inner core, or that it’s even possible for the Earth to be that young and still have an intact magnetosphere.

We haven’t even talked about the fact that radioactive decay only causes heat in rock surrounding the radioactive material–not in the minerals themselves–meaning there is no way for any element to give up its “heat” without first being scorched by an energy-emitting radioisotope.

The Bible describes the Earth’s age in a lot more detail than secularists do, and in the same fashion as scientists do today. We also have evidence of a magnetosphere from billions of years ago, proof that radioactivity had nothing to do with it (in fact, it would have simply eroded whatever magnetic field we had been able to retain).

But hey–you’re free to believe whatever you want, I guess. But don’t believe anything just because somebody else said so. Do your own research! You might be surprised at what you find.

Earthquake weather is a myth

Earthquake weather is not a real thing, according to a new paper by Jeffery T. Simpson and Jessica A. Adams published in the Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.

One of the most common myths about earthquakes is that there are “earthquake storms” such as those we observe with hurricanes. The buzz about earthquake storms has been popularized in recent years through social media channels, including YouTube videos and internet blogs. Some people even believe that these predicted storms could happen one day before an earthquake occurs but this is not the case and no research has been able to provide any evidence for this belief.

How much do you know about Plate Tectonics?

If you only knew how fragile the planet really was, you would be able to appreciate it much more. It is important to know the parts that keep the planet together and what are the processes that take place deep inside planet Earth. This is a brief overview of what plate tectonics are and how they work on Earth.

The plates or slabs of the lithosphere (made from oceanic crust, continental crust or both) move around on top of the asthenosphere due to convection currents from thermal energy in Earth’s interior. These plates can either collide into each other, pull apart or slide past one another without an event taking place such as earthquakes. Plate tectonics is based on the theory of sea-floor spreading and plate divergence. In this theory, rock spreads out from the mid-ocean ridges and pushes the plates apart, forming new oceanic crust. As new crust is formed, older crust is pushed away from the ridge and into deeper parts of the oceans where it begins to gather together, forming continents. As plates diverge they cause continents to move apart. The theory states that all of these plates are moving at varying rates of speed throughout the world’s oceans.

Areas where two or more continental or oceanic plates are moving towards each other are called subduction zones; where they move away from each other they are referred to as divergence zones. Subduction zones are where a lot of activity takes place that can cause earthquakes and create volcanic activity. Subduction is the process that causes the plates to move back towards thermal energy and causes new rock to form. Divergence zones are where plates pull away from each other creating significant surface areas in oceans. Divergent boundaries play a significant role in those location’s patterns of marine life. The areas where the plates converge, or come together, are called convergent boundaries. Subduction boundaries have more significance as related to plate tectonics than divergent boundaries and they occur at most plate boundaries with the exception of mid-ocean ridges.

Ocean plates are denser than the plates that make up continents. As they move under the continental plates, the oceanic crust is subjected to extreme pressure and heat, causing it to melt into more dense molten rock, which then migrates upward through faults in the continental plate. Some of this magma pushes its way up through cracks or vents in the surface of Earth; this is known as volcanic activity. The magma that rises to form volcanoes cools into igneous rock and hardens to become part of Earth’s crust. Most of the Earth’s landmass is made up of thicker lithosphere that has been recycled from continually rising and cooling magma over millions of years.

Earth Contains Mostly Iron, Oxygen, and Silicon

Earth Contains Mostly three main elements: Iron, Oxygen, and Silicon. Iron makes up about 33% of Earth’s crust, Oxygen about 0.07%, and Silicon around 27%. All of the other elements are present in less than 1%.

Longer Days and Shorter Nights

The Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing. This phenomenon, known as “glacial time,” leads to a greater number of sunrises and sunsets over the course of a day. While this may sound like an attractive change for the seasons, it actually has negative effects on weather patterns and ecosystems all over the globe.

Over time, days will grow longer—and nights will grow shorter. The slowdown means that every season lasts longer than they did earlier. For instance, winter now lasts about three months (instead of two). The extra sunlight in winter means regions nearer to the poles would see more melting ice caps by Spring—allowing for greater evaporation and less rainfall during summer time periods. Seasonal changes would be even more dramatic in the equatorial regions. A longer day means that the sun stays in the sky longer, and it burns hotter.

The Earth spins at a set speed of 1,600 kilometers per hour—about 441 miles per hour. It’s hard to imagine that this speed is changing, but it really is: each year, the planet’s rotation slows by about two-thousandths of a second. Over 10,000 years—an incredible amount of time—this has a significant effect on our planet: every second will gradually become one second longer than before.

Earth is the only planet not named after a god, and let’s explore why!

First off, Earth is the only planet that we know of right now that has life. If you look at other planets close to us in our solar system, each one has a different name. They were named after Roman Gods from Greek Mythology. For example, Venus was named after the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Mars was named after Ares who is also known as Mars or the God of War. Jupiter was all about Zeus being king of all gods and Neptune was all about Poseidon being king of the seas. Earth on the other hand got its name because it’s just simply “Earth”.

Why is the Earth not named after a god?

This information is for anyone who has ever wondered why our planet never got a cool name like other planets did (Read it as a funny explanation)

1) The names of landmasses and oceans have changed over time, but what used to be called “the world” became “Earth.

a) Mid-East Asia: equivalent to the Eastern world (e.g. the western counterpart would be the Far East). The easternmost end of Asia, which is divided into two parts by the sea of Japan. This is where China, Mongolia, and Korea are located.

b) Western Europe: The part of Europe that was originally occupied by Caucasians/White People. It includes countries such as France, Spain, Portugal and the British Isles that are west of Germany.

c) Black Sea: A sea connected to the Mediterranean Sea between Europe and Asia that is more brown than it is black because of sediment from Russia emptying into it like a river (the river is called “The Danube”). The Black Sea is also a popular vacation spot for Russians, Turks, and other Eastern Europeans. It was called “Black Sea” because a majority of the people living in it are dark skinned.

d) Scattered Islands in the Pacific: A group of islands in the Pacific Ocean that no Western Nation can claim as their own. The original name for these islands was “Polynesia”. Polynesia originally meant “many islands”, but now it means “a lot of islands”.

e) Southern Africa: A continent that consists of one country and two territories (Botswana and Lesotho). Originally inhabited by dark-skinned people but has been heavily influenced by Caucasian/White settlers over the years.

f) Antarctica: A continent mostly uninhabited by humans. It has no native inhabitants, although it does have a bit of wildlife. I’m not sure if it ever had an original name; the first people to set foot there were the English, and they just called it “land”.

2) The planets were discovered by different people at different times; Earth was discovered last.

a) Mercury: Named by the Romans after their god of commerce, Mercury.

b) Venus: Named by the Romans after their goddess of love and beauty, Venus.

c) Mars: Named by the Romans after their god of war, Mars.

d) Jupiter: Named by the Romans after their king of the gods, Jupiter. This is where our word “jovial” comes from (when you are jovial, it means “jolly”). The Roman god Jupiter was also called Jove (pronounced “Jow-vay”). This is where our word “jovial” comes from (when you are jovial, it means “jolly”). The Roman god Jupiter was also called Jove (pronounced “Jow-vay”.

e) Saturn: Named by the Romans after their sixth king of the gods, Saturn. The Roman god Saturn was also called Cronus (pronounced Cron-us).

f) Uranus: Named by an English astronomer because it was discovered using a telescope. A telescope is basically a tele-scope. Sorry if I over-explained that.

3) If Earth had been named after a different god, things would have turned out differently for Earthlings and maybe the entire world.

a) If Earth was named after the Greek goddess Gaia, then the environment would be looked at as a deity instead of as something to be destroyed. We would know that we can’t keep on destroying the environment in order to live luxuriously.

b) If Earth was named after the Norse god Thor, then all of our technologies would be based on lightning instead of electricity. We might have flying cars or hover boards by now. In addition, technology might not even exist because Thor didn’t have any interest in it (he only cared about fighting giants). Also, he is a god of thunder and lightning, so all of our houses would shake when it rained.

c) If Earth was named after the Norse god Loki, then humans would be evil and not care about the environment. We would know that we can’t keep on destroying the environment in order to live luxuriously. In addition, technology might not even exist because Loki didn’t have any interest in it (he only cared about fighting giants). Also, he is a god of evil and mayhem (also known as “trouble”), which makes him able to turn people evil when they are being good (“good” means “not causing trouble”).


Read more Facts and Knowledge

Written by Wicky

My name is Angel Wicky, I'm from Bangalore (India). I am a teacher & I love teaching. Teaching is the best job in the world. Education is the basic and essential part of any human being and teachers are the base of any education system. I'm really happy to be a part of it.

You can reach me via e-mail [email protected]


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