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100 World History Quiz Questions and Answers

100 World History Quiz Questions and Answers


World History Quiz Questions and Answers


Top 100 World History  General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers Part 1


1) The father of History:

Answer: Herodotus.


2) The period of unrecorded history is known as:

Answer: Pre Historic Age.


3) The Chinese ruler who built the Great Wall of China:

Answer: Qin Shi Huang.


4) The dynasty which ruled China for nearly 400 years?

Answer: Han.


5) A religious leader and philosopher who lived in China about 500 B.C:

Answer: Confucius.


6) The ancient people who invented Seismograph?

Answer: The Chinese.


7) most powerful leader in Persia in the 6lh century B.C:

Answer: Cyrus.


8) The founder of the religion. Zoroastrianism:

Answer: Zoroaster.


9) The God of the Parsees was called:

Answer: Ahura Mazda.


10) The most famous Greek poet:

Answer: Homer.


11) The most important Epics of the Greeks:

Answer: The Iliad and the Odyssey.


12) What were the two most important city states in ancient Greece?

Answer: Athens and Sparta.


13) What is meant by oligarchy?

Answer: The rule by a few rich men.


14) The most famous ruler of ancient Athens:

Answer: Pericles.


15) The great Greek woman who sang on the beauty of love and nature:

Answer: Sappho.


16) A great lyric poet who wrote poems to honour the victorious Greek athletes?

Answer: Pindar.


17) The founder of tragedy dramas:

Answer: Aeschylus.


18) The greatest of the Greek tragedians:

Answer: Sophocles.


19) The most famous philosophers of ancient Greece:

Answer: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.


20) The most famous student of Socrates:

Answer: Plato.


World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 2 (Quiz 21-40)


21) The Greek scientist who described the human brain in detail?

Answer: Herophilos.


22) Who calculated the circumference of the earth?

Answer: Eratosthenes.


23) The best example of Greek architecture:

Answer: Athena Parthenos.


24) The best known sculptors of ancient Greece:

Answer: Myron & Phidias.


25) The founders of Republicanism:

Answer: The Romans.


26) The legendary hero of Troy:

Answer: Aeneas.


27)  The most famous ancient Roman orator:

Answer: Cicero.


28) The philosopher Emperor of Rome:

Answer: Marcus Aurelius.


29) Who wrote a treatise that contained information on surgery?

Answer: Celsus.


30) The capital of ancient Hebrews:

Answer: Jerusalem.


31) The holy city to Judaism, Christianity and Islam:

Answer: Jerusalem.


32) The basic doctrine of Judaism is the belief in one God known as:

Answer: Jehovah.


33) Who came to be known as the great Messiah?

Answer: Jesus.


34) The Roman Governor of Palestine who sentenced Jesus to death on cross?

Answer: Pontius Pilate.


35) The place where Muhammad, the last prophet of Islam, was born?

Answer: Mecca in Arabia.


36) The wife of Muhammad is known by name:

Answer: Khadījah.


37) The more prominent of early cultures in south America:

Answer: The Chavín culture.


38) The language of the Aztecs:

Answer: Nahuatl.


39) Who were the savage type of people who built artificial islands in the lake of Mexico?

Answer: The Aztecs.


40) What was the name given to the floating gardens made by the Aztecs?

Answer: Chinampas.


World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 3 (Quiz 41-60)


41) The most important leader of the Mongols:

Answer: Genghis Khan.


42) The countries where the civilization of the Incas flourished?

Answer: Equator, Peru, Chile.


43) One of the largest buildings of the Incas:

Answer: Temple of the Sun in Cusco.


44) The capital of the Inca empire:

Answer: Cusco.


45) One of the Inca cities which was situated at a height of nearly 3500 metres?

Answer: Machu Picchu.


46) The most famous king of Mali in Africa:

Answer: Musa I of Mali.


47) The Moroccan scholar who lived in the middle of the 14th century?

Answer: Ibn Battuta.


48) What is ‘Swahili’?

Answer: Swahili is an Arabic word that means ‘of the coast’.


49) What does the word Barbarian mean?

Answer: Uncivilized.


50) Who was known as the father of English Poetry?

Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer.


51) What are the two famous universities in England?

Answer: Oxford and Cambridge.


52) The number of labourers worked for the construction of the greatest pyramid, Khufu:

Answer: 3,00,000 men worked for 20 years to complete the work.


53) The Persian ruler who occupied the North Western Part of India in the 6th century B.C?

Answer: Darius I.


54) The Arab centre of veneration in Mecca:

Answer: Kaaba.


55) What was the name given to the oldest art flower arrangement of the Japanese?

Answer: Ikebana.


56) What names were given to the political parties in England in olden days?

Answer: Whigs and Tories.


57) Which is the coldest place in the world?

Answer: Vostok (Antarctica).


58) “The Queen of Mediterranean Sea”:

Answer: Carthage.


59) The historic Commander-in-Chief of Carthage in the punic wars:

Answer: Hannibal.


60) The year in which Julius Caesar was murdered by Brutus:

Answer: B.C. 44.


World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 4 (Quiz 61-80)


61) Who became the Head of Rome after the assassination of Julius Caesar?

Answer: Octavian (Augustus Caesar).


62) The Egyptian beauty Queen who fell in love with Mark Antony:

Answer: Cleopatra.


63) “The Book of Kings” was written by whom?

Answer: Ferdowsi.


64) A treatise on small-pox and measles was written by:

Answer: Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Raz.


65) Which country came to be called “the nest of singing birds”?

Answer: England.


66) Who said the following famous words “I Came, I Saw, I Conquered’?

Answer: Julius Caesar.


67) The reigning period of Julius Caesar:

Answer: 100 B.C to 44 B.C.


68) For what are the caves of Lascaux in France famous?

Answer: Prehistoric cave paintings.


69) He was King of the Huns from Asia who defeated the Roman Emperor Theodosius and entered Gaul – but was defeated in A.D. 451 near Châlons-sur-Marne. Who was he?

Answer: Attila.


70) Complete the sequence of Roman Emperors; Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, _____Who?

Answer: Nero.


71) Which Roman Emperor issued the Edict of Milan and ended the persecution of Christians. He probably, in later life became a Christian himself?

Answer: Emperor Constantine.


72) In 334 B.C he began a march which extended the Greek Empire from Egypt to India. Who was he?

Answer: Alexander the Great.


73) The Romans who invaded what is now called Scotland in A.D. 80 called the people Picts. What did they call the country?

Answer: Caledonia.


74) Emperor Claudius was responsible for the subjugation of Britain, Who led the Britain’s and was defeated by Claudius at the battle of the Midway in A.D. 43 was captured and later freed in Rome?

Answer: Caratacus.


75) Rome was the capital of the Roman Empire. Of what ancient empire was Persepolis, the ceremonial centre?

Answer: The Persian Empire.


76) Although the Inca civilization created a vast empire in Peru, they lacked basic skills and knowledge without which European civilization could not have advanced. Two of these were writing and the use of iron. What notable invention was also unknown to the Incas?

Answer: The wheel.


77) What sea was referred to as “Mare Nostrum” by the Romans?

Answer: The Mediterranean.


78) To whom is attributed the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

Answer: Nebuchadnezzar II.


79) Who was the Roman gladiator who headed the third revolt of slaves against Rome in 73-71 BC? He was eventually killed?

Answer: Spartacus.


80) Mesopotamia was the region where one of the world’s oldest civilizations flourished. What was the script used by the ancient Mesopotamians?

Answer: Cuneiform.


World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 5 (Quiz 81-100)


81) One of the seven wonders of ancient world was situated in Egypt. Name that monument:

Answer: Pyramid.


82) On account of the widespread damage caused by annual floods, one of the major rivers in China is often called “China’s sorrow”. Name that river:

Answer: Huang He.


83) Among all the ancient civilizations, the Egyptian civilization was considered to be the most advanced one. What was the title assumed by their kings?

Answer: Pharaoh.


84) According to the Greek Legends the ancient Olympic Games were organised to worship one particular god. Who was that God?

Answer: Zeus.


85) Which country will always be in the front line of Olympic march past?

Answer: Greece.


86) Unable to bear up the opposition of his enemies, prophet Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina. What is this event known as?

Answer: Hijra.


87) What was built from the Tyne to the solway in A.D. 122-126 as the northern border of Roman Britain?

Answer: Hadrian’s Wall.


88) Which Italian city was buried, along with Herculaneum, when Vesuvius erupted in AD. 79?

Answer: Pompeii.


89) The Neanderthal men lived in the:

Answer: Paleolithic age.


90) Neandertal Valley is in:

Answer: Germany.


91) Which was-the dwelling place of the Neanderthal men?

Answer: Caves.


92) Cro-Magnon is in:

Answer: France.


93) What was the chief occupation of the old stone age men?

Answer: Food gathering.


94) The only South East Asian country never taken over by a European power:

Answer: Thailand.


95) The first human type lived in the old stone age is called:

Answer: Neanderthal.


96) The second stage in human development is the:

Answer: Cro-Magnon period.


97) New stone age is also called:

Answer: Neolithic.


98) The early man domesticated animals for the purpose of:

Answer: Agriculture.


99) Copper was the first metal discovered and used. Which was the first country to use it?

Answer: Egypt.


100) The period in which bronze was discovered and used for making implements is known as:

Answer: Bronze Age.


Read more  > Quiz Questions and Answers

Written by Wicky

My name is Angel Wicky, I'm from Bangalore (India). I am a teacher & I love teaching. Teaching is the best job in the world. Education is the basic and essential part of any human being and teachers are the base of any education system. I'm really happy to be a part of it.

You can reach me via e-mail [email protected]


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