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100 Sociology Questions and Answers – Sociology of Education Questions and Answers

100 Sociology Questions – Sociology of Education Questions and Answers


100 Sociology Questions - Sociology of Education Questions and Answers


Sociology Questions and Answers – Sociology of Education Questions Part 1


1) A community generally includes a number of neighbourhoods. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


2) Which one is a “Mass Society”?

Answer: Gesellschaft.


3) A rural community is characterised by:

Answer: Community sentiment.


4) A traditional society is not characterised by:

Answer: Competition.


5) Modern Society is characterised by:

Answer: Virtually all occupational statuses are achieved.


6) A person in a society occupies:

Answer: A number of statuses.


7) Society is group, but most groups are not societies. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


8) Who put “Society is the largest group in which human beings live”?

Answer: Robert Morrison MacIver.


9) Who coined little community and great community in India?

Answer: Milton Singer.


10) Who related function of institution to biological needs?

Answer: Bronisław Malinowski.


11) Sumner called an institution deliberately formed to satisfy needs:

Answer: Enacted.


12) Post industrial society is characterised by:

Answer: Predominance of services sector over manufacturing sector.


13) The German word ‘Gemeinschaft’ means:

Answer: Community.


14) Is ‘great tradition’ a characteristic of little community?

Answer: No.


15) Who said little community is not depending as large urban communities for survival?

Answer: Robert Redfield.


16) Who first coined the term post industrial society?

Answer: Daniel Bell.


17) When Daniel Bell coined the term post industrial society?

Answer: 1962.


18) Who defined society ‘as a complex of organised association and institutions with a community’?

Answer: G.D.H. Cole.


19) Who said, “Without co-operation society connot exist”?

Answer: Gisbert.


20) Who defined community as an area of social living marked by some degree of social coherence’?

Answer: Robert Morrison MacIver.


21) What is the meaning ‘Community Sentiment’?

Answer: Feeling of belongings together.


22) The word community is derived from:

Answer: Two Latin words.


23) What is the meaning of the term community?

Answer: To serve together.


24) The word society comes from:

Answer: Socius.


25) A definite locality is necessary for a society. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


Sociology Questions and Answers – Sociology of Education Questions Part 2


26) A definite locality is essential for a community. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


27) An association is deliberately formed. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


28) Membership in association is voluntary. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


29) Who divided institutional functions into manifest and latent?

Answer: Robert K. Merton.


30) Are institutions compulsory for the individual?

Answer: Yes.


31) Associations meet only:

Answer: Secondary needs of the people.


32) Association is partial and community is:

Answer: Whole.


33) Aim of society is general while that of association is:

Answer: Particular.


34) Origin Society is natural and association is:

Answer: Artificial.


35) We are born in community but we choose our:

Answer: Associations.


36) Who defined status group in terms of life style?

Answer: Max Weber.


37) Assimilation is a one way process. Is it correct?

Answer: No.


38) Mutual awareness is necessary for:

Answer: Social interaction.


39) When competition becomes more personal, it shades into:

Answer: Conflict.


40) Competition also involves:

Answer: Co-operation.


41) The process of complete fusion is known as:

Answer: Assimilation.


42) Racial mixing by inter-breeding is:

Answer: Miscegenation.


43) The process of getting alone indifferences also is:

Answer: Accommodation.


44) Who defined social interaction as “a process by which men inter-penetrate the minds of each other”?

Answer: Dawson and Gettys.


45) Basic conditions of social interaction:

Answer: Social contact and Communication.


46) Who said that ‘the contacts and interactions are the foundation stones of our life?

Answer: Lumley.


47) Who said competition, conflict, accommodation and assimilation are the four fundamental types of interaction?

Answer: Park and Burgess.


48) Who said conflict is intermittent and personal?

Answer: Park and Burgess.


49) An intra-group form of war is called:

Answer: Feud.


50) War is a kind of:

Answer: Group Conflict.


Sociology Questions and Answers – Sociology of Education Questions Part 3


51) Litigation is a judicious form of:

Answer: Conflict.


52) Race riots, religious persecution etc. are examples of:

Answer: Corporate Conflict.


53) Conflicts are essential to make society dynamic and progressive. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


54) Harmony and disharmony are essential for the growth of society. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


55) Social competition is for getting:

Answer: High status in society.


56) The competition between black and whites is an example of:

Answer: Racial competition.


57) Competition logically develops into conflict. Who said this?

Answer: Bogardus.


58) Conflict is a modified form of struggle. Who said this?

Answer: Kingsley Davis.


59) Conflict is the deliberate attempt to oppose, resist or coerce the will of another or others”. Who said this?

Answer: A.W. Green.


60) Conflict is a conscious action. Is it correct?

Answer: Yes.


61) Reduced supply of the means of subsistence is the chief cause of conflict. Who said this?

Answer: Mathew.


62) “Principles of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest are the main causes of conflict”. Who said this?

Answer: Charles Darwin.


63) The word co-operation is derived from:

Answer: Two Latin words.


64) The two Latin words in Co-operation are:

Answer: ‘Co’ and ‘Operate’.


65) What is the meaning of the word ‘Co’?

Answer: Together.


66) What is the meaning of the word ‘operate’ ?

Answer: To work.


67) Co-operation includes two elements:

Answer: Common end and organised effort.


68) Toleration is a form of:

Answer: Accommodation.


69) Adjustment to physical environment is known as in sociology:

Answer: Adaptation.


70) A social class is:

Answer: A quasi-group.


71) Face to face groups are known as:

Answer: Primary groups.


72) Who said ‘in-group’ is ‘we-group’ and ‘out-group’ is ‘they-group’?

Answer: Sumner.


73) Competition is continuous. Conflict is:

Answer: Intermittent.


74) “Accommodation is the “process in which man attains a sense of harmony with his environment”. Who said this?

Answer: Robert Morrison MacIver.


75) Accommodation is the natural result of:

Answer: Conflict.


Sociology Questions and Answers – Sociology of Education Questions Part 4


76) When accommodation is on the basis of high and low, it is called:

Answer: Subordinate accommodation.


77) Adjustment to new natural conditions is known as:

Answer: Acclimatization.


78) Acclimatization is a:

Answer: Physiological process.


79) Naturalisation is a:

Answer: Psychological process.


80) Adjustment to social conditions is known as:

Answer: Naturalisation.


81) Coercion means the:

Answer: Use of force to terminate conflict.


82) Settlement of Parliamentary disputes is through:

Answer: Compromise.


83) Rationalisation involves plausible excuses or explanations for one’s behaviour instead of:

Answer: Accepting one’s own defect.


84) The first step towards assimilation is:

Answer: Acculturation.


85) The absence of communicative interaction or social contact is known as:

Answer: Isolation.


86) Dumbness, deafness etc. cause isolation which is known as:

Answer: Organic isolation.


87) In every society, there is a “strain towards anomie”. Who said?

Answer: Merton.


88) In every society, there is “strain towards consistency” called:

Answer: Integrating process.


89) The book “Social Control” was written by:

Answer: E.A. Ross.


90) All illiterates form a:

Answer: Category.


91) Another term for ‘category’ is:

Answer: Grouping.


92) “Primary groups are the nurseries of human nature”. Who said this?

Answer: C.H. Cooley.


93) Rationality and pragmatism are the characteristics of:

Answer: Gesellschaft.


94) Gesellschaft relations are often:

Answer: Enduring.


95) Who wrote the book “The Human Group”?

Answer: G.C. Homans.


96) Who classified social groups into Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft?

Answer: F. Tonnies.


97) Upper class is a:

Answer: Social category.


98)  Competition is more a feature of:

Answer: Open Society.


99) Who identified family, peer group and community as basic primary groups?

Answer: C.H. Cooley.


100) Who wrote “The Functions of Social Conflict”?

Answer: L. Coser.


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Written by Wicky

My name is Angel Wicky, I'm from Bangalore (India). I am a teacher & I love teaching. Teaching is the best job in the world. Education is the basic and essential part of any human being and teachers are the base of any education system. I'm really happy to be a part of it.

You can reach me via e-mail [email protected]


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