Interview with Police Inspector Andy Mark

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Last Saturday I had a chance to interview one of the police officers. Andy Mark is a police inspector of the great Canadian police force in a subdivision of the police department known as central integrated neighborhood policing team. He has worked as a law enforcer for eleven years. His phone number is +165378923, and his email is  I interviewed him on his job of being a police officer, the challenges he faces in his career and a lot of other information in the policing sector. Below is an exclusive interview with both the questions and the answers from Andy Mark who is an active police inspector.

What generally are the roles of police officers here in Canada?

Our main role is to maintain law and order in the society; we partner with the members of the community we serve to ensure law and order, provide security for the protection of the general public, improve the life of citizens and reduce incidences of crimes within the community. We use a lot of strategies to identify those who cause crimes and ensure that there are prosecutions on those who break the law.

What do other departments of police you work with to ensure that your goals in your community have been achieved?

In my specified role as an inspector, I work with a whole range of police from other departments and junior police officers in my department. I work along with police sergeants, CID officers, police community, support police officers among many others to maintain law and order. I work closely with social workers, local businesses, schools, town planners, community service groups who wish to reduce crimes and members of the criminal justice system.

What sort of things do citizens speak to you or report to you?

We are very social people to everyone in the society so people report to us about any issues, and we are trained to the listener to the needs of the people so that we can serve them. Through the training, we can create a good rapport with the members of the general public to build strong relationships with them and build their confidence towards approaching us.

Tell us more about your career goals in law enforcement and describe a typical week for you on the activities that you generally do?

There is a lot to learn and experience in this career since it is challenging and you have to follow some strict policies and procedures. Furthermore, you have to do what is expected since you are in the public eye.

On my typical week, I routinely take up patrols with other officers to ensure everything is in control. I look for any suspicious happenings from either people, disturbances and make sure that the general public is well protected. In my weekly routines, I come along with almost all type of offenders. I can only conclude that my typical week is mostly routine work.

In your whole career as an inspector officer have you made any arrests that have led to lasting impacts to one’s life?

Sincerely, I have arrested a lot of criminals who did offenses that cannot occur after the protections their as per the laws in the constitution they are jailed for many years depending on the offenses they committed. I have arrested persons who committed horrible acts such as murder, rape which are really serious offenses. However, there is a time I arrested a man who had murdered his wife and cut her into small pieces and to be honest that picture always remains in my mind to date.

Have made any arrests in regards to the violation of the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms?

Most of the arrests I make are usually due to the violation of the Canadian human rights and freedoms. By violation, I mean going against the law or what is expected.

December 12, 2023

Law Enforcement Americas

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Police Police Officer Canada

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